Shallow Acres began in 1978 when Jeff Shallow purchased the farm upon graduating from high school. Jeff went to
work rebuilding the interior of the barn, erecting silos and constructing a free stall barn. Jeff and his wife, Darlene,
continued to make improvements though the years, including acquiring more land. Today, along with their children
Lewis and Darcy, they farm 200 acres and milk about 40 cows, primarily Holstein with a few Brown Swiss (which
helps them appreciate the Holsteins). Shallow Acres is truly a family farm, with everyone serving a role. They
believe cow comfort and genetics are vital to good herd health. Their cows spend much of the year on pasture, with
a diet based on haylage, dry hay and corn silage. Automatic takeoffs are utilized in twice daily milking. Other farm
practices include minimum tillage, cover crops, and no-till. Along with forage for the animals, they also grow
soybeans, winter wheat and sunflowers. Jeff, Darlene, Darcy, Lewis and his wife Skhyler, along with their two
children, look forward to hosting the 2024 Oconto County Breakfast on the Farm.
Oconto County is home to more than 929 farms, with an average size of about 160 acres. Of those farms, 154 are
dairy farms. The county ranks 26 th in the state and among the top 100 U.S. counties in the value of dairy production.
Oconto County farmers own and manage 189,389 acres (30 percent) of land in the county. The Oconto County
Breakfast on the Farm Committee believes Breakfast on the Farm is a worthwhile opportunity to promote and
educate families about agriculture.
work rebuilding the interior of the barn, erecting silos and constructing a free stall barn. Jeff and his wife, Darlene,
continued to make improvements though the years, including acquiring more land. Today, along with their children
Lewis and Darcy, they farm 200 acres and milk about 40 cows, primarily Holstein with a few Brown Swiss (which
helps them appreciate the Holsteins). Shallow Acres is truly a family farm, with everyone serving a role. They
believe cow comfort and genetics are vital to good herd health. Their cows spend much of the year on pasture, with
a diet based on haylage, dry hay and corn silage. Automatic takeoffs are utilized in twice daily milking. Other farm
practices include minimum tillage, cover crops, and no-till. Along with forage for the animals, they also grow
soybeans, winter wheat and sunflowers. Jeff, Darlene, Darcy, Lewis and his wife Skhyler, along with their two
children, look forward to hosting the 2024 Oconto County Breakfast on the Farm.
Oconto County is home to more than 929 farms, with an average size of about 160 acres. Of those farms, 154 are
dairy farms. The county ranks 26 th in the state and among the top 100 U.S. counties in the value of dairy production.
Oconto County farmers own and manage 189,389 acres (30 percent) of land in the county. The Oconto County
Breakfast on the Farm Committee believes Breakfast on the Farm is a worthwhile opportunity to promote and
educate families about agriculture.
Thank you to our previous Hosts!
2024 Shallow Dairy
About the Farm Farm Video Thank You Video of Event |
2023 Kohls Dairy Farm LLC
About the Farm Farm Video Thank You Video of Event |
2020 Alsteen Farms
Canceled due to COVID-19
2019 Peterson Dairy
2018 Sunrise Dairy
2017 Rockledge Farms
2016 Riewe Farms
2015 Golden Corners Dairy
2014 Triple C Dairy
2013 Jagiello Dairy Farm
2012 O'Harrow's Family Farm
2011 Engebretsen Brothers
2010 Pethke Family Farm
2009 Alsteen Farms
2008 OC Youth Fair Grounds
2007 Kohl's Dairy